About Me

I’m Kurt Neuweiler, an information security professional currently residing in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My resume emphasizes that I’m experienced in utilizing technology to help organizations improve their security posture, solve complex problems, execute on business goals, and, well, you get the point. For more information on what I’ve done for organizations, or what I can do for your organization, peruse my LinkedIn or reach out. However, my resume could never adequately describe who I am as a person, why I work in information security, and what I hope to accomplish. That being said, it can be summarized in just 18 words:

A lifelong learner who is passionate about protecting data and people by creating a more secure world, together.

We’ll break this encompassing characterization into three sections and explore each of them. I promise this will all tie together.

Lifelong Learner

I believe that there is always more to learn, which means there is always room to improve in all aspects of one’s life, and I genuinely enjoy that process. Being able to look back and see how much I’ve grown personally and professionally is immensely satisfying and motivates me to keep pushing myself to greater heights. I sincerely wish that all my friends, family, and anyone reading this is able to share in that feeling, and hopefully this site will contribute in some way to the growth of others.

At any given time, I’m researching and developing many areas of my life. In no particular order, here’s a non-exhaustive list of what I’ve been learning about recently:

  • Cybersecurity in a holistic context (CISSP, MICS)
  • AI (namely ChatGPT)
  • Strength training
  • Data privacy
  • Marine mammals (volunteering pictured)
  • Nutrition
  • WordPress security
  • Writing
  • Single-sign on (SSO)
  • Gratitude
Kurt volunteering with Northern Elephant Seals in the background

My priorities are fluid, so this list may not always reflect my current interests. To see what I’m currently learning, or what I’ve found to be particularly thought provoking, useful, or cool, check out my latest posts.

As it happens, information security is a great field for lifelong learners! There are always new ideas to consider, new tools to explore, and new problems to solve. I also maintain that, to be effective as an information security professional, one must constantly learn to remain up-to-date with emerging threats and evolving trends, like AI. No technology has ever excited me as much as AI has recently. It has already increased my productivity and driven me to do more, and this is just the beginning. I am convinced that AI will change education and learning for the better, forever.

A Better World

While lifelong learning does lend itself to being an information security professional, it is not why I choose to work in this industry. I want to help create a world better than we have today or tomorrow, and I believe that the information security industry is the best way to achieve that goal.

Technology can empower, it can uplift people and ideas, and it can usher humanity to greater heights of scientific understanding and human compassion, or, in the wrong hands, it can oppress, it can discourage, and it can hinder innovation and exacerbate human suffering.

Information security is a crucial component of every technology and influences each technology’s potential applications, good and bad. I view my role as ensuring that technology is used as intended: to empower individuals, humanity, and the world as a whole. However, I cannot build a more secure, better world alone.


The impact I can have by myself is minute, but together, we can make a meaningful, positive difference to the state of security in our local communities, and to the lives of others. This site is my outreach, a place where I can help others to grow in their information security careers and maybe in their personal lives. This site will also eventually be a space to build connections, share knowledge, and collaborate among a community of passionate, security-conscious enthusiasts. Together, we can help to create a world more secure than we have now.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me and my passion. It’s not easy putting it into words! If you have anything at all you’d like to say, please reach out. Take care.